
Thursday, February 11, 2016

What is truth?

This is my first action project for, Who Am I. In this course we will be studying about who we are, and the truth. In order to complete this project, I had to studied philosophers and what they think is truth. For this Action Project we had to make a podcast about a topic we choose, our definition go truth and our beliefs. The thing that I am most proud of was making the podcast and how it finished. Something that was hard for me was recording the podcast and writing the script. Please learn more about the podcast and you can hear it down below.

Is there such thing as truth?

I did an interview with my dad. His definition of truth is that, yes, genes are a key part in making us who we are, but nurture also plays an important part too. This connects to the whole thing by have another idea of what truth is.

I was in 7th grade, I was in science class and a question popped up in class which is true nature or nurture for genes. At the end of class and for a week I was really thinking about this question a lot every time I had time I was thinking about. Finally I came up with an answer to say to my teacher. The answer is that nature (gene) made who we are today.

I believe that nature makes us who we are. Not only that, but how we act. I believe in this because each of us have many genes in common but each also some unique genes that are ours alone that no one has. Even identical twins has a different gene than each other.

I have not really thought about in for a while. I thought about it for a in 7th grade. In 8th I did not think about it at all since we were doing a different type of science (chemistry). In 9th I thought about it for a little in the beginning of the year I did not really. Towards the middle of the year I thought about it a lot more.

Now you will hear an interview I did my my dad.

The 2 min interview

1.The issue I did was nature vs. nurture I think that it makes who you are today.

2. I interview my father. His position is that our gene makes up who we are and what we do, but also nurture is important in who we are.

3. He believes what he said because we have genes and it makes up what we will be and do in our life.

4. The interview did not influence in my position at all. It stayed the same.It influence my idea of truth by changing it by everyone has their own definition of truth.

5. But no one will have to same definition of truth. It changes my definition of truth to something that it really different than was.

For me truth is a small tennis ball in a big pile of tennis balls of lies. We won’t really know the truth, so there is not really a definition of the word truth in my words.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


      This is my first Action Project for my third term course, Fuel. In this course we will be studying chemicals, periodic table, and other math and science topics. For this Action Project we had to choose a nonrenewable resource so I chose Oil. We had to research its chemical formula and an element in it that is on the periodic table. I chose my element to be Hydrogen. We also had to make an equation for the graph we made. At the end we had to explain this project and write a prediction for the end of 2016. The thing that I am most proud of was making the slide show and finding the data. Something that was hard for me was making the graph. Please learn more about the project down below.