
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Everyday Survival

In our last unit in Entrepreneurship, the class we learned about ways to create a good business and what should go into it. I learned that it is the quality of the work not the quantity of work. We had to create a video pitch for our business. My business is called Everyday Survival. In the video pitch, I describe what my business does, who it is meant for, and what can it do for investors. In this business, we also had to create a logo that involves what your business does. My logo shows what Everyday Survival is truly about, it shows what kind of a business we are.

According to the United Nations, SDG which stands for Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN, SDG 15 intends to Protect, 15 is to “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” SDGs are a set of goals that the UN wants to achieve 2030.

Everyday Survival wants to help achieve SDG goal 15. The goal that Everyday Survival will help achieve is: “By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought, and floods, and strive to achieve a land-degradation-neutral world.” Everyday Survival will achieve this by enabling our customers to plant trees and plants in the forest once a month during the weekend event. The weekend events that Everyday Survival will hold, will help the customers, with getting skills to survive in the outdoors or urban settings. Doing this will make customers do something that will help the planet, and create a better environment.

Everyday Survival has a partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County in order to achieve the SDG goal 15. We will work together by working with one and another to plant trees. The mission of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County is to restore the land and the forest. With the help of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, we will be able to combine our events and be able to plant more trees.

Overall, I really enjoyed making this project and thinking of a business plan to do. It was more work than I had originally expected. I do feel that I could start this, but I will need some money to start out with. I am confident in making the items more durable in the US.