
Sunday, April 30, 2017


For this class called Drama, the unit is called Shrew. What we learned during this unit was about William Shakespeare and his play he wrote called The Taming Of The Shrew. We learned who is a shrew and why was she being tamed in the play. Who are the modern shrews now?  For our AP we had to write a sonnet poem about a character in the play. I chose Petruchio because I wanted to give him a message. The thing I liked most about my project was making the sonnet. The thing I had the most trouble with was recording the sonnet. I overcame that by going slow and fast at the same time and not mumbling my words. Below you can listen to my sonnet and below that, you can read it.
How shall I tell thee upon misery?
You should change your mind, you should try to vail.
Do you Petruchio have history?
You never intervened like man who fails.
Who can tell thee what’s wrongly or rightly?
“And he whose wife is most obedient”
All you need is no negativity;
Time of Deceitful thee not deviant.
When you walk or breathe you fail history.
Why can’t you bereft like widow and fall;
Thee are doomed to Kate and her mystery.
And thee are equals to thy wife and all.
Tis not the day of to broach but borrow.
All you can do is woo her in sorrow.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Open Heart Surgery!

This class Cure, the first unit is called Emergency. In this first unit, the Science we focused on was the structure and function of the human cells. The Math we learned was functions and variables as an introduction to systems of equations. What I learned about was many different types of surgeries. For our FE, we went to the International Museum of Surgical Science; what we did there was visit the different rooms and we learned a lot about surgeries. For our AP, we had to find a surgery to research. The surgery I choose to research was Open Heart Surgery. What I liked about this project was researching for the Open Heart Surgery. The thing I had trouble with was making my Prezi. I overcame that by going through the instruction again and fixing it. Here is my project for you to look at.