
Friday, December 21, 2018

Rachel Carson And Pesticides

In our Global Peace, we are researching about activists and what they do. For our first AP, we had to research about an activist and write an essay about them. Gandhi made four principles that he created in order to live in a better society are sarvodaya means the uplifting of all, swadeshi means that it is the principle of a community that people should have a relationship with the economy and one person should not own just their own money, swaraj means self-governing or self-government, and satyagraha means saying or showing the truth in a peaceful manner. While doing research our class learned about three types of violence which are Cultural means violence that happens because of a culutre and example is in Pakistan there are honor killings where if someone in the family dishonors the family they are allowed to kill that person, Structural means any kind of violence that occurs through institutions like schools or jails like not feeding someone who is in jail, and Direct violence means violence that a person can directly see like if someone punches a person. We also learned about 198 of nonviolent way to protest according to Sharps method. The three I used in my essay are the first letters of opposition or support, second records, radio, television, and the third teach-ins. During this process, we also used conflict analysis tools which are the ice burg. The top of the ice burg is where you can see some violence. Behind that, there are more issues that you can’t easily see which would be the part of the ice burg under the water.

The activist I chose for my essay was Rachel Carson. She was a biologist who wrote a book called Silent Spring, which was about pesticides. Rachel Carson wrote this because she wanted to show people what humans were putting in their bodies. She wanted to know exactly what chemicals are in the food and drinks that people consume. What I learned from this person is the true form of what pesticides really does to humans.