
Friday, March 22, 2019


In our last unit in our third term called Systems and models, we learned about I-O Psychology and what it does. One of the major things we learned during Maslow’s Hierarchy which is a five-step pyramid. Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belongingness needs, Esteem needs, and Self-actualization needs. For our AP we had to find something in our school and in all schools and write about it whether you agree with it or not. Whether there should be more of it or not. I created my project on homework and why we don't need it. What I could have done better for this project was to interview more people. What I love about this project was learning more about why people like or dislike homework.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Female Black President!

In our last unit called Herstory in our class Equality, we learned about what issues race, gender, and class face. We learned about the voices that are gone from our history books. During this unit, we talked about what it means being a feminist and why people are one. For this AP I to do my project on the first female black president in the year 2120. I had to write a news article with an ad of a product based on my event. What I could have done better was to create a long news article. What I loved about this project was figuring out what might come in the future.

Work Cited 

“About Kirsten | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York.” Biography | About | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York, 2019

“BillTrack50.” Home, LegiNation, 2019

Carroll, Lauren. “Hillary Clinton's Top 10 Campaign Promises.” PolitiFact, 22 July 2016

“Elizabeth Warren.” Ballotpedia, 2019

“My Story | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California.” About | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California, 2019

Newburger, Emma. “A Historic Number of Women Were Elected in 2018-These Four Are Expected to Run for President in 2020.” CNBC, CNBC, 26 Nov. 2018

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


In our third term called Systems and models, we learned about the different ways people can do research. We took an FE to MediaScience where they do research tests based on observation. We looked at what people did for their own research paper. For our AP we had to create our own experiment and write a research paper. My paper will be about why wearing suits make people more confident. What I love about this project was learning more about suits in general. What I could have done better was asking more participants.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Chapter: Same-Sex Marriage

In our third term class called Equality, we learned about what equality means, and how other people have more or less equality than others. We are reading a book called Between The World And Me By Ta-Nehisi Coats. In his book, he wrote a letter to his son about his life and how his son can be better off, and be able to live a good life. For the action project, we had to make a history chapter about an important event and then interview someone who was apart or affected by the event. For this AP I decided to do my important event on Same-sex Marriage. What I loved about this project was researching more about the history of Same-Sex Marriage and doing the interview.