
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Military Track

For our first Economics, we learned about supply/demand and to see how it functions. For our action project, we had to think about what we want to do after high school, and do research about it to see how much money we will make and how much we would be in debt by the time we retire. My family supporting me in my career choice really helps me because it motivates me more. I want to join the military and serve as a Naval Officer.

Hello, I am a Senior here at GCE Lab School. After High School I would like to become a Naval Officer. I would like to be able to serve my country. I think serving your country is the best way to show your love for this country. I chose the Navy because it best suits my temperament, which means a person nature as it affects their behavior. The Navy officers seem to me to perform at the highest standards. In order to become a Naval Officer I have two ways of getting there. The first way is to join the United States Naval Academy for 4 years. Then afterwards get commissioned. The second way is to go to UIC for 4 years, then afterward go to OCS which stands for Officer Candidate School, which is 12 weeks long. Then afterward I will get commissioned. Both ways I can achieve my end goal, but the academy route would be best. This is the best way of becoming a Naval Officer, because I will get more training out of it. Take a look at my presentation to see why I came to this conclusion.


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