
Saturday, October 27, 2018

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

This is for my class called Journalism. This is the third unit called Photo. What we learned in this unit is how a photo can tell a story. But if you change to photo and photoshopped it, that it can tell a different story. For our AP, we had to interview someone about what is the meaning of life. Then we had to take a picture of whatever they said was the meaning of life is. We also had to photoshopped the photo to show a different meaning. For our project, we had to write an essay about our interview and the two photos we took. Take a look at my project below.


    Throughout time, religion has been able to bring people together. But there is still that one question that everyone wants to answer, what is the meaning of life? I wanted to ask someone who is a leader at my church. I decided to ask the Rev. Brian Hastings who is an Episcopal Priest and rector at Church of Our Saviour where I go.
    The interview took place at COS (Church Of Our Saviour). The interview was on Sunday, October 21, 2018, at 12:05 pm. Throughout the interview, Fr. Hastings shared with me his beliefs about the meaning of life. Here is some of his verbalizations:
    “The closest thing to the meaning of life is the zest and joy we get when we grow and when we sort of open up our arms to those bigger, broader, deeper experiences of our own humanity and how we share humanity with other people.” His reason for this is that he saw a bigger and deeper meaning for life. The changes he witnessed during his life, were when he found the “zest and zing” to the meaning of life, It was when women, all ethnicities, and LGBT obtained equal rights. The meaning of life is being joyful and having open arms to everyone.
    Part of the meaning for life for him also is enjoying life and being joyful. He added, “I think that zing and zest is a gift of God working in the world. You can be a secular humanist, you can be an atheist, you can be a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, Confucian, you can be a Taoist, you can believe in Yoda and still see that zest and zinging when life kind of opens up.” What he means by this is that you can’t find the meaning of life in a place, but it is something that is much deeper meaning than that. Anyone can still find what the meaning of life is or as he says it “the zest and zing.” He says that no matter what you believe in, or what type of person you are you would still will be able to find the meaning of life. He believes this because in the Church that I go to we are one. We should not judge people for being different and finding their own paths to deeper meaning, that is a part of what the meaning of life is, but that is a fairly important part.
    The image is of Fr. Brian Hastings in front of a cross at Church Of Our Saviour on Sunday, October 21, 2018. Both of the photos are of the same, but I manipulated the photo to tell more of a story. The one on the right enhances more of what Fr. Hasting is verbally expressing. The way I took the picture was straightforward. For visual perception, people can visually perceive the glow like God is there. Often when people see a glowing light, they equate it with God’s presence since we can’t visually perceive God with our own eyes. God’s presence is too powerful for humans to optically discern and understand. Humans can’t really see God’s actual form since we are humans and humans do have the capability to see his true form. For touch, people can feel the presence of the Lord through the picture that is on right. People can feel the Lord from the cross that is hanging in the background, and from the energy that is permeating the Church. For me, the image also has a smell of burning candles, which are always present. It also evokes the sound of the choir singing and the congregation singing too. You can taste the bread which Jesus gave his disciples, and we now do every Sunday.
    I photoshopped it so everything is blurry except for Fr. Hastings and the cross. The reason why I did not blur out Fr. Hastings and the cross because the cross is a symbol for his meaning of life. Additionally, I made the picture glow in a way so it looks like God is there, or at least what people verbally express God looks if he shows himself to humans. I did this because it enhances the picture and makes the image more informational and powerful.
    The picture on the right is meant to serve as an enhancer, to give the story more detail. The subjectivity of the right photo was to give you a happy emotion since you see God and the cross in one photo. In the end, the photo on the left has only one story, but the one on the right has as many as you can perceive. Fr. Hastings’ message throughout the whole interview was that no matter what you believe in you will still be able to find the meaning of life. He also states that the church has open arms and will accept anyone.

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