
Monday, February 18, 2019

The Future And What It holds

In our third term called Systems and models, we learned about the different personalities tests. We took multiple tests and we made a test ourselves. During this unit, we also learned more about psychologists and what they can do with personality tests. The two main tests that we focused on are DiSC which stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. For this test, we learned how we fit it fits us and how our personality. The second main test we took is called Enneagram. The Enneagram test puts you on a scale of 9 numbers to see what kind of a person you are in a workplace. What I loved about this action project was taking the tests and seeing what kind of a person I am in a work environment or what my personality is.

Title: The Future And What It Holds
Medium: Digital Photograph via Instapainting
Size: 553,518 bytes

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