Over the summer I went on a 1 week trip to Eastern Kentucky to help build homes for people who can't afford to finish their homes. I did between 30-35 hours for that week not including chores around the house we stayed at like dishes, cleaning bathrooms, and cleaning the house. I did my serves in Eastern Kentucky. I did not choose to go their I wanted to do the trip with my church and we happened to go their. What I got out of this wonderful experience was the enjoyment of giving and helping people who need it. Here is a picture from that trip.
"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
For the first class for the year the unit is called Stories the class is HUMANITIES. In this unit we explored stories form other cultures. For this project we had to create our own planet. Then we had to draw a picture of something that is in our story. The thing I did the best on this project the drawing the picture and making details for the story. The thing that I had trouble with was cutting it down from 1300 word to shorter. I over came this project by adding and deleting paragraphs that don't need to be there. It helped a lot but it was really hard to cut some things out of the story. Read below my story and below it is my picture.
I will tell you a story about how a special planet was made and the story of a special man. I was told about this story when I was young. My grandparents were told about this. So take a seat and enjoy this story of a strange place.
There was a Planet called Bellua, which was never at peace because monsters and humans, who lived there, were always fighting. It was created when a dark force and light force slammed into each other and made a big explosion, creating one big planet. The dark force was named Mefastofeles. The Lightforce was named Akilos. The dark force is like hell and the light force it like heaven. The planet was a mistake. It was not supposed to happen that way. The dark and light forces were brothers. There are many features to this world, the first one is the planet itself. The brothers fought and the planet was the result. The light force was the sun and the dark force was the moon. Akilos wanted to make a perfect world but Mefastofeles had a different idea. Akilos tricked Mefastofeles and locked him up in a cage. He made a key that the first human to be created on the planet would have. The key was a mark on the first man’s arm and that would be the key. If that man got rid of the mark, the cage would open. The second feature is the man with the mark. The man who had the mark would live forever not aging at all. When the man was created he was already a full grown man in his 30s. With the mark still on the man, the cage is locked. If the mark comes off the man and the cage unlocked, Mefastofeles would come out and the whole sky would turn red. Once that happened the planet would go to hell from there and everything would turn bad. Mefastofeles would make monsters that would outnumber the humans. Mefastofeles would start destroying everything and make it into his own image. For everyone on the planet, it would be bad. Since the beginning of the planet, parents trained their kids how to hunt monsters in case Mefastofeles escaped. Children were like warriors fighting the dark. The monsters were pretty much kept in check.
Meanwhile, the Man who had the mark lived in a house in the middle of nowhere. The house was be protected by a spell, which made it invisible to everyone. When you went to the exact spot where the house was located and then you cast a spell to unlock the house you would be able to see it. Akilos put the house there so that no one would try the get the mark off of the man. When the man with the mark needed food or water he would have to hide the mark and try not to be noticeable. The man with the mark was the only being on Bellua who could see the house without magic. This was for the safety of the planet. If anyone got the key, Mefastofeles would escape. It was vital that he stayed in the cage. You could say that Mefastofeles was trapped in the cage like tuna in a can. The man with the mark was the key to everything.
The man with the mark asked Akilos if he could have a baby so Akilos gave him a baby and his name was Harry. From 1 to 15 Harry lived a normal life on Bellua. When he turned 15 it all went to hell. Harry’s father was killed when he went on a hunt to kill a Vampire's nest. But actually, the man with the mark died by a spell the vampire used on him. The spell broke the mark’s spell and in doing so the man with the mark died and Mefastofeles was let out of the cage. Mefastofeles then killed the vampire and pretended to be the vampire. He knew that Harry would go looking for him and he did.
The third feature was the box that belonged to Harry. When Harry heard about what happened, he remembered something that his father had given him. His father had said, “When I die open the box.” So Harry went to look for the box. He finally found it, and he opened it. Harry’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. All of his fears went down the drain. The box was originally the man with the mark’s box. He made it and put everything in it for Harry. It had everything about being a hunter and everything you needed to know about monsters. For 2 years Harry learned everything about hunting and monsters. Harry was in a state of incertitude about his future, but he sent ahead with his plans anyway. He then faked his death and burned down his house so people wouldn’t go looking for him because he was only 17 years old. He made a fake ID and hacked credit cards. He went out to find and kill the monster that killed his father. Harry allowed himself to be a subordinate in the hunter training program until he became a master.
For years he searched for the vampire that killed his father. Finally, he heard that the monster was in purgatory. So he found a vampire and he made the vampire turn him. Before this, he was agitated but he decided to do it anyway. After that, he killed the vampire that turned him. He then took a stake and put it in his own heart. He woke up in purgatory. He went around fighting and killing all the monsters he could find while trying to locate the monster that killed his father. It was like a disease that had taken over him, a malignant tumor that needed to be cut out.
He found the monster but before he could kill it, the monster revealed himself as Mefastofeles. At that moment the earth turned black. Everything was dark. Harry was in a state of felicity, he was happy. He thought that he had killed the monster but he hadn’t. Suddenly everything just stopped. It was like nothing had ever happened, like Harry was not there. In fact he was not anywhere. It turned out that Mefastofeles had gone back in time and killed his father before Harry was born. So what that meant was that Mefastofeles had time traveled back before Harry was born and killed his father. That way could not have been born. So Mefastofeles had omnipotence over everything on the planet after all.
Now you are probably wondering who I am and how I know all of this. I am the being that started this all. I am the cause of why this cruel place was made. I am the darkforce, I am the master of all evil. I am Mefastolfeles and I am Harry. I created another one of myself to be the man with the mark’s son. That Harry was like the center of the earth everything went around him. If I did not create him I would have ended the planet a lot sooner. So I went back in time a killed the man with the mark before he asked Akilos if he could have a baby. You must be wondering how I could of done that when I was in the cage. What Akilos did not know was that I added a spell to cage. With the spell I I could do everything I wanted to do except leave the cage.
Now you will excuse me. I need to take care of Akilos.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Gorilla King Kong
For the first class for the year the unit is called population the class is STEAM. In this unit we investigated what is population and what is included for population. In internal we studied mathematical and scientific systems of species. For my project I loved how we went to the zoo and got to look at our animals. The thing that I struggled with the most was writing neat the mathematical problems. I over came that by taking my time and going very slow.
My animal is a Gorilla. Its scientific name is Gorilla beringei. I made a collage mosaic then a slide show with a picture of my animal with arrows pointing to where each taxonomic level is.
Here is my reference photo for the collage:

Next will be my collage mosaic.
Next, I compared the Gorilla with Lynx and Rattle Snake. Here is my Venn diagram. I had two partners for this Venn diagram. MJF, one of my partners, did his animal project on a Rattle Snake. MN is my other partner. She did hers on Lynx. Click on the names of my partners and you can see their blog.

Below are my mathematical statements that describe the population for Gorillas using set theory.
My animal is a Gorilla. Its scientific name is Gorilla beringei. I made a collage mosaic then a slide show with a picture of my animal with arrows pointing to where each taxonomic level is.
organism’s group
characteristics of group
Have a tail
Have fur
Large brain

Parker Elementary School. (2016) Gorilla
AA, Gorilla (2016)

AA, Venn digram (2016)
AA, Math Statements (2016)
Work Cited
Aaronmoringdangier. "STEAM Exhibit – The Sea Otter." Aarongce. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.
Answers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.
"GorillaGorilla." Primate Factsheets: Gorilla (Gorilla) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.
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