
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Gorilla King Kong

For the first class for the year the unit is called population the class is STEAM. In this unit we investigated what is population and what is included for population. In internal we studied mathematical and scientific systems of species. For my project I loved how we went to the zoo and got to look at our animals. The thing that I struggled with the most was writing neat the mathematical problems. I over came that by taking my time and going very slow.

My animal is a Gorilla. Its scientific name is Gorilla beringei. I made a collage mosaic then a slide show with a picture of my animal with arrows pointing to where each taxonomic level is.

Taxonomic Level
Your organism’s group
Key characteristics of group
They are multicellular.
Have a tail
Have fur
Have nails
Large brain
Apes that inhabit the forests of central Africa.
Gorilla  beringei
The eponymous genus Gorilla is divided into two species.

Here is my reference photo for the collage:

Parker Elementary School. (2016)  Gorilla

Next will be my collage mosaic.

AA, Gorilla (2016)

Next, I compared the Gorilla with Lynx and Rattle Snake. Here is my Venn diagram. I had two partners for this Venn diagram. MJF, one of my partners, did his animal project on a Rattle Snake. MN is my other partner. She did hers on Lynx. Click on the names of my partners and you can see their blog.

AA, Venn digram (2016)

Below are my mathematical statements that describe the population for Gorillas using set theory.

AA, Math Statements (2016)

Work Cited

Aaronmoringdangier. "STEAM Exhibit – The Sea Otter." Aarongce. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

Answers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

"GorillaGorilla." Primate Factsheets: Gorilla (Gorilla) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2016.

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