
Friday, March 17, 2017

Star Wars In School

This class is called Stage Chemistry, the unit is called Behind. Stage Chemistry is about finding news ways to see things. What I mean when you go to a play you are not really interested in how and what happens in the backstage. We learned about what goes on behind the curtain of plays. The FE that we went to was to the Goodman. Before we watched Uncle Vanya, we saw what they did behind the curtains and how people make blueprints for it. What we had to do for our AP was to turn a non-theatre place and turn it into a place where you could have plays there. We needed to make a blueprint of a place where we want to have a play. I decided my place would be at GCE Lab School in a room called The Death Star.(See photos below to see the layout of the room.) We call it that because of how it looks. There is a light thing that is made up of C.D.s. What I liked about my project was turning that space into a theater. What I had trouble with was trying to think of good ideas to do for my theater. I overcame that by drawing it out and trying to find a good scale I ended up choosing 0.8 Inches = 2 Feet.

The transformation of it was easy and hard. Overall the theater I created could fit about 20 to 30 people. The parts that I hated for the transformation was the calculations and measuring. The parts I liked about the transformation was how it ended up as and the whole space overall. A few things that I wish I could still change is the size of the space and how big the stage and trap door is.

                                       The Death Star, AA,(2017)

                                   The Death Star, AA,(2017)

The Death Star Stage, AA,(2017)

For my stage there are three places where you can watch it. You can watch it on the left and right of the stage and in front of the doors. There are two stages in the Death Star. The main stage and a small but longer stage going down the middle of the audience. This is why this stage is called a Thrust stage.

My Stage Vs Albert
My Stage
% Compare
23 Seats
856 Seats
My seating is 2.6% of the seating at Goodman's Albert stage
Fly Space (above the stage above the height of the proscenium): 0 ft
Fly Space (above the stage above the height of the proscenium): 76.5 ft
My fly space is 0% of Albert
4 toilets
18 toilets
I have 22.2% of Alberts toilets
Center of stage that is removable 3 ft x 3.8 ft:
Center of stage that is removable: 34 ft x 40 ft
I have 0.83% of Albert center stage
4 sinks
7 sinks
I have 57.1% of Alberts sinks
4 Bathrooms
2 Bathrooms
I have 200% bathrooms of Albert.

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