For this class called Drama, the unit is called Doll. What we learned during this unit was about a play called The Doll House. We learned who and what a doll is. In the context of this play a doll is a person who thinks someone else is higher than they are. For our AP we had to write a play script and we had to record it. We formed a group of three people and chose three characters. My group was
MJF and me One person was Nora from the play, a second was PVU, an actual person from our group, and the third was a Michelle Obama, a female who changed history. The aspect of my project that I liked most was making the script. The aspect I had the most trouble with was recording the script. I overcame that by taking my time and not mumbling my words. Below you can watch my video and read the script.
I think that men and women should have to same roles and opportunities in life. I think that they should have the same benefits in life. Men and Women are all humans, and they should be treated the same. Granted, women can do some things, like bearing children, that men cannot do and there are other things that men can do, but in the end men and women are equal. Therefore, they should share the roles in the house splitting all the roles that it takes to run a household. Men and Women should also share roles equally if they have children. There is no household role that cannot be done by both. Overall I think we are getting better at this, but we still have a way to go. Over the years the roles will become more equal than they are today.
(Cafe De Romans in 2017 on a Tuesday morning in April. People are in the cafe talking. The audience sees Paul sitting down drinking coffee.)
(Door opens. The audience sees Michelle walk in.)
(Door closes with a soft bang.)
(She goes up to the counter to order coffee.)
(Michelle looks around to see if a place to sit is open.)
(Nora walks in and orders coffee.)
Michelle, is that you? Wow! I have not seen you in forever.
Oh wow, hey, Nora how are you?
(Paul, who has been sitting down, decides to join the conversation.)
Michelle, Nora, wow, what a small world.
(Michelle and Nora recognize Paul and go over to him)
Hey, Paul!
I am doing a campaign, and wanted to know since you guys are here what you thought of it.
(Nora looks with hesitation but agrees to do so.)
End of scene 1
Scene 2 starts
(The scene starts as we see Paul, Michelle and Nora sitting down drinking coffee.)
(Michelle pulls out some papers and hands them to Paul and Nora.)
It is about if men and women should have different roles in society but have to same benefits to the same jobs. I think men and woman should have the same roles in society of course because we've been working towards achieve rights already.
You know I agree with you. I strongly agree with Michelle for many reasons. I believe in equality and Michelle brings up prime examples of ways we can make everyone equal.
Well I kind of don’t agree with you guys
(Nora says while moving her coffee cup around the table)
Why don’t you agree with it. I accustomed that you would have.
(Nora was not saying anything for a little bit, but then.)
I think men should have higher jobs than us, well that's what my husband says.
Your husband sounds wicked and imprudent
That does not explain why you don’t want men and women to be equal.
Michelle is right, but I am still precarious.
Why are you guys disagreeing with me. I am right. Why are you speaking nonsense.
(Nora shoots them a look)
(Nora looked up at the ceiling, then back down.)
(Nora handing the paper back to Michelle)
I know I’m being expedient but you’re not even going to take a look at my campaign?
(Nora shoving the papers back to Michelle)
Yea, I mean men and women should have the same benefits and be equal but not the same jobs.
Why are you guys against me, why.
(She says while pacing around)
Nora I have patience for you. Don’t get mad. We are not against you, but men and women should have to same jobs.
Yea but it causes conflict.
(Paul and Michelle disagree with Nora)
I am done with you guys! Don’t you see there is no problem with men being more superior!!
Don’t leave Nora I’m not trying to be a nuisance! We are just stating our opinion! It is unsavory to think this way. I think you should really consider what we are saying. It does not make sense that one gender should be more valuable. Please just let it sink into your head.
Nora, I am sorry. I realize that you are prone to being capricious but I think that you’re just brainwashed. You need to see that us women have to be equal to everyone else! We have to stick together and help fight for equality. Please stay and talk about what you are thinking and feeling. Don’t be so imprudent and tactless!
NO!! I am done with you guys! Goodbye!