
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Chris Kyle

This is for my class called Journalism. This is the second unit called Sound. For our AP, we had to interview two people about someone who is inspirational to us. We had to record it so it will be like a podcast. The person who is inspirational to me is Chris Kyle. The thing I had trouble with was editing the recording. I overcame that by taking my time and being careful. What I loved about this project was learning more about Chris Kyle.

This blog is an introduction to a podcast where an interviewer and two interviewees discuss how Chris Kyle, the noted Navy Seal, inspired their lives. Kyle became an American hero in the Iraq War. His sniper skills saved countless American lives. Later he became a hero at home by helping physically disabled and PTSD vets regain as much of a normal life as possible. The impact that Kyle had was the direct result of wanting to help others before he helped himself. For many Kyle represents the American ideal—sacrifice, dedication, and teamwork. He did that as a Navy Seal by putting himself at extreme risk to make sure his fellow sailors and Marines were protected from armed militants, snipers and others trying to kill them. Once he resigned from the Seals, he found his new mission by helping those disabled during the conflict. The interviewees are two typical Americans who know some facts about Kyle. They and the interviewer discuss what Kyle meant to them, why they look up to him, and why he is an American hero. The intended audience for this podcast will be those who appreciate the sacrifices that American servicemen make for their country, those who want to learn a little bit more about the man himself, and perhaps those who are just curious about what makes a man like Chris Kyle tick. The point of this podcast is to inspire comments from listeners who want to share their thoughts and observations about the Kyle and what he stood for.

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