
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Everyday Survival

In our last unit in Entrepreneurship, the class we learned about ways to create a good business and what should go into it. I learned that it is the quality of the work not the quantity of work. We had to create a video pitch for our business. My business is called Everyday Survival. In the video pitch, I describe what my business does, who it is meant for, and what can it do for investors. In this business, we also had to create a logo that involves what your business does. My logo shows what Everyday Survival is truly about, it shows what kind of a business we are.

According to the United Nations, SDG which stands for Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN, SDG 15 intends to Protect, 15 is to “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” SDGs are a set of goals that the UN wants to achieve 2030.

Everyday Survival wants to help achieve SDG goal 15. The goal that Everyday Survival will help achieve is: “By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought, and floods, and strive to achieve a land-degradation-neutral world.” Everyday Survival will achieve this by enabling our customers to plant trees and plants in the forest once a month during the weekend event. The weekend events that Everyday Survival will hold, will help the customers, with getting skills to survive in the outdoors or urban settings. Doing this will make customers do something that will help the planet, and create a better environment.

Everyday Survival has a partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County in order to achieve the SDG goal 15. We will work together by working with one and another to plant trees. The mission of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County is to restore the land and the forest. With the help of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, we will be able to combine our events and be able to plant more trees.

Overall, I really enjoyed making this project and thinking of a business plan to do. It was more work than I had originally expected. I do feel that I could start this, but I will need some money to start out with. I am confident in making the items more durable in the US.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Naval Manual!

This is the third unit of the term, the class is called endurance. For this AP, we had to create a survival manual based on our last AP. For my AP my manual called Naval Manual will talk about being in the Navy as an Officer. In this AP we had to create our own cover based on the topic of our manual. We then had to write what, we are doing and why we want to do it. We had to write what we have to do in order to achieve this, and why we wanted to do it. In the Lay Of The Land part, we had to describe what exactly we are doing, and any specific about it. After that, we had to create a timeline of important events that had or will occur. Read the manual below to see the rest of my AP and learn why I want to serve my country.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Everyday Survival

In our second unit in class Entrepreneurship. For the second AP, we had to create a business plan for a business we wanted to create. The business that I have created is called Everyday Survival. Everyday Survival is a business that teaches people ways to survive in the outdoors and urban areas. Everyday Survival will give you the tools in which you can survive in dangerous situations. In this AP I will write a business plan for my business. What I have done well for this ap is creating a business that I love and being able to make a profit off of it. What I could have done better was making the math part smoother.

In class, we learned about the Hedgehog Concept, which is part of a business plan that has three main questions to it. What is your business best at in the world? What is your business passionate about? What is your business economic engine? 

Friday, May 17, 2019

12 hour challenge

In our second unit in a class endurance. For this AP we had to do a 12-hour challenge based on what our mission was for our first ap. I did my 12 hours on a Navy Seal fitness test. I wanted to do this because being a Seal you need to be physically fit in order to do the missions. I wanted to push myself and see what I can do. The fitness test was three workouts; pull-ups which were a min of 8 and max of 20, push-ups which were a min of 42 max of 100, and sit-ups which was a min of 52 and max of 100. I wanted to see how close I can get to maxing out all of them. I really enjoyed doing the workouts and pushing myself. What I could have done better was pushed myself even harder for the push-ups in order to max it out.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Throughout history, the teachers would always teach the students but never the other way around. In the last class called Entrepreneurship, the students had to be the teacher and give a lesson to the class.

In order to prepare for this, we had to separate into groups of two. With our partner, we then had to do research about a topic; my group’s topic was managing. While researching about managers, I found what it means to be a good and a bad manager. Bad; managers play favorites, they also micromanage. Good; managers act like a good coach, they also have a positive attitude. At the end of the lesson, we had to rate ourselves and our partners on how well we participated in the research and giving the lesson. In order to get ready for our main Action Project (which is a project we have to do around every 3 weeks), we had to create 10 questions and put all of them in a google doc. The 10 questions would involve what the class has done so far in class. After we created the questions, our teacher chose the 10 best questions and create a test for it. We took the test home and we had to do 5 out of the 10 questions for a take-home test. It was really interesting getting all of the slides ready so that I can teach the class. I had never really taught a full lesson to a class before. I really enjoyed preparing for it and actually teaching it. My teaching philosophy to get the point across was to make the lesson enjoyable and fun to learn the topic. I wanted the class to be engaged with the lesson and I wanted the class to actually want to learn the lesson. I wanted the class to participate in the discussion and the activity that was planned. There are a couple of things that if I were to do it twice that I would change. For one I would make sure that everything is all clear with the slides and no technical difficulties. I would also change some of the last activities we did. I would make them different and a little longer. I do think that my teaching was effective. I could tell that everyone understood what the information was saying. I also could tell that the information that was put out there that they were able to keep in their memory.

Throughout this whole process, I was able to take the role as a teacher. This experience I was able to see a new perspective that I would not normally see and I enjoyed it. At times, it was a little difficult but I think it was worth it. I thought that I could work more on creating hard questions. This can help me for next year in college by teaching me what being a good manager is, this will also help with internship interviews.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Food For Friends

I have been doing Food For Friends for the past couple of months now. I have really enjoyed giving back to the homeless and making sure that they would get lunch, I was doing this at my church. I think that feeding the homeless is good for everyone to do because it shows you what kind of a person you are. I would make a different meal for them every Saturday, with a different group of people. In all this was a great experience for me and I will continue to do this anytime I have to chance. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

This Is Who I Am!

In our first unit in a class endurance. We had to make an autobiography of us when we are in the future. The year is 2050 and I am a Navy Seal Commander. In the chapter, I will talk about how I got to this point in my life. What my life mission was, and how that helped me be able to join the Navy Seals as an Officer. In this unit, we learned about what physical and mental endurance people can have. I really enjoyed thinking about what my future might actually look like, I enjoyed writing the autobiography. I could have written more about the details of what happened in college and thereafter.

Friday, March 22, 2019


In our last unit in our third term called Systems and models, we learned about I-O Psychology and what it does. One of the major things we learned during Maslow’s Hierarchy which is a five-step pyramid. Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belongingness needs, Esteem needs, and Self-actualization needs. For our AP we had to find something in our school and in all schools and write about it whether you agree with it or not. Whether there should be more of it or not. I created my project on homework and why we don't need it. What I could have done better for this project was to interview more people. What I love about this project was learning more about why people like or dislike homework.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

First Female Black President!

In our last unit called Herstory in our class Equality, we learned about what issues race, gender, and class face. We learned about the voices that are gone from our history books. During this unit, we talked about what it means being a feminist and why people are one. For this AP I to do my project on the first female black president in the year 2120. I had to write a news article with an ad of a product based on my event. What I could have done better was to create a long news article. What I loved about this project was figuring out what might come in the future.

Work Cited 

“About Kirsten | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York.” Biography | About | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York, 2019

“BillTrack50.” Home, LegiNation, 2019

Carroll, Lauren. “Hillary Clinton's Top 10 Campaign Promises.” PolitiFact, 22 July 2016

“Elizabeth Warren.” Ballotpedia, 2019

“My Story | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California.” About | U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California, 2019

Newburger, Emma. “A Historic Number of Women Were Elected in 2018-These Four Are Expected to Run for President in 2020.” CNBC, CNBC, 26 Nov. 2018

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


In our third term called Systems and models, we learned about the different ways people can do research. We took an FE to MediaScience where they do research tests based on observation. We looked at what people did for their own research paper. For our AP we had to create our own experiment and write a research paper. My paper will be about why wearing suits make people more confident. What I love about this project was learning more about suits in general. What I could have done better was asking more participants.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Chapter: Same-Sex Marriage

In our third term class called Equality, we learned about what equality means, and how other people have more or less equality than others. We are reading a book called Between The World And Me By Ta-Nehisi Coats. In his book, he wrote a letter to his son about his life and how his son can be better off, and be able to live a good life. For the action project, we had to make a history chapter about an important event and then interview someone who was apart or affected by the event. For this AP I decided to do my important event on Same-sex Marriage. What I loved about this project was researching more about the history of Same-Sex Marriage and doing the interview.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Future And What It holds

In our third term called Systems and models, we learned about the different personalities tests. We took multiple tests and we made a test ourselves. During this unit, we also learned more about psychologists and what they can do with personality tests. The two main tests that we focused on are DiSC which stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. For this test, we learned how we fit it fits us and how our personality. The second main test we took is called Enneagram. The Enneagram test puts you on a scale of 9 numbers to see what kind of a person you are in a workplace. What I loved about this action project was taking the tests and seeing what kind of a person I am in a work environment or what my personality is.

Title: The Future And What It Holds
Medium: Digital Photograph via Instapainting
Size: 553,518 bytes

Friday, January 18, 2019

Food For Friends

In our elective term class called Global Peace, we had to do a nonviolent action based on an issue. For our last AP of the term, I went to my church to help make food and give it to the homeless, it was called Food For Friends. Using that we had to see how one or more of Gandhi four principles related to what we did. Overall I really enjoyed giving back and making sure the homeless don't go hungry.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nail Climbing

In our STEAM course “Game Changers” we just finished our only AP for the term. We learned about the different types of games, and we learned what kind of mechanics are in games. During this term, we playtested a lot of fun (and some boring) games. Some of the games that we played that I enjoyed were Egyptian Ratscrew and Mancala. For our AP we had to go in a group and build our own game. My group members were RP, and DRS. We build a game called Nail Climbing. In this game, you are a rock climber who has to climb up nails and go around obstacles. Whoever gets to the top of the mountain first wins. This game is a game of skill, luck, and betrayal. I really enjoyed making this game with my group. I would have preferred to make the game board smaller because it would be easier to make more and to carry around or put in a box.

The game was created by many versions. Our first version was a foam board with ripped pieces of paper for cards. In all, our game went through 2 versions for the board and 3 for the cards in order for it to get what it is right now for our final version. We had a lot of people playtest our game. One of the reasons why our game is the way it is, because of the corrections people had for us. Some things did not change at the beginning we had nails in our board and we still have this now for our final version. In our second version for the board, we wanted to make sure the nails would stay nailed into the board because with our first version they kept on falling off. We then decided to get wood and make that our board. For the character pieces for the first version, we just put a sticker on the back and poked a hole in it so that it can stay on the nail. Now for our final version, we drilled a hole in it and put an eyelet in it. The whole board has 500 nails put in it. We wanted to use more because we thought that our first board had too many blank spaces in it. Our first version had around 300. Overall I think that every version we made and new things we added or took away for our game made it better.

I really enjoyed putting together this game with my group. My biggest contribution was helping with thinking part of the idea of what the game will be. I also nailed in the 500 nails for the wooden board; in total that took around 3 hours to put all 500 nails in that wooden board. I also created and partly designed the cards that were used for our game. For our cards, we made a back it is a drawing of a white mountain. What I am most proud of is creating the back for our cards. I am proud that I created that because it took forever and I think it looks cool and it fist just right with our game. It took a while to create but it was worth it. What I could have improved on more are the character pieces. They are a little bland but they are still an important piece in our game. In all, I think that our game wrapped up pretty well. Our group worked really well together because we enjoyed each other’s company and worked equally on the work for the game. I really helped the group focus on the task at hand, and that really helped in the long run. That everyone had a part in our group for doing different tasks. I mostly did tasks that were at my skill level. In all, we all worked on the game equally and I had fun building and designing the game with my group.