
Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Throughout history, the teachers would always teach the students but never the other way around. In the last class called Entrepreneurship, the students had to be the teacher and give a lesson to the class.

In order to prepare for this, we had to separate into groups of two. With our partner, we then had to do research about a topic; my group’s topic was managing. While researching about managers, I found what it means to be a good and a bad manager. Bad; managers play favorites, they also micromanage. Good; managers act like a good coach, they also have a positive attitude. At the end of the lesson, we had to rate ourselves and our partners on how well we participated in the research and giving the lesson. In order to get ready for our main Action Project (which is a project we have to do around every 3 weeks), we had to create 10 questions and put all of them in a google doc. The 10 questions would involve what the class has done so far in class. After we created the questions, our teacher chose the 10 best questions and create a test for it. We took the test home and we had to do 5 out of the 10 questions for a take-home test. It was really interesting getting all of the slides ready so that I can teach the class. I had never really taught a full lesson to a class before. I really enjoyed preparing for it and actually teaching it. My teaching philosophy to get the point across was to make the lesson enjoyable and fun to learn the topic. I wanted the class to be engaged with the lesson and I wanted the class to actually want to learn the lesson. I wanted the class to participate in the discussion and the activity that was planned. There are a couple of things that if I were to do it twice that I would change. For one I would make sure that everything is all clear with the slides and no technical difficulties. I would also change some of the last activities we did. I would make them different and a little longer. I do think that my teaching was effective. I could tell that everyone understood what the information was saying. I also could tell that the information that was put out there that they were able to keep in their memory.

Throughout this whole process, I was able to take the role as a teacher. This experience I was able to see a new perspective that I would not normally see and I enjoyed it. At times, it was a little difficult but I think it was worth it. I thought that I could work more on creating hard questions. This can help me for next year in college by teaching me what being a good manager is, this will also help with internship interviews.

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