
Friday, November 20, 2015


This is my first Action Project for my elective course, Biomimicry. In this course we will be studying nature and how it relates to humans. In order to complete this project, I had to studied plants and its habitats. I also learned how overall the plant can solve a problem that is in the world and how the plant will fix it. For this Action Project I chose my plant to be a Giant Dioon and the problem that I wanted it to solve was to create warmth and cold without using energy. We had to make a power point that showed the plant's name, its characteristics, and a design that I made. The thing that I did really well was making the power point and finding the research. Something that was for me was looking for a picture of the plant and drawing it. I am proud of how my power point turned out. Please learn more about the plant I chose and my design down below. 

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