
Thursday, March 3, 2016


         This is my second action project for, Who Am I. In this course we will be studying about doubt, and what philosophers think about it. In order to complete this project, I had to study about philosophers and what they think is doubt. I had to think of a question for the base of my project. Why it is important to me? How did I arrive at the question? We also had to see how this fit Wilhelm’s definition of a guiding question. We had to see if it is a question that addresses humanity or if it is Universal question. Next I examined both external and internal risks. For the philosophers we had to choose one to study answering this question, I chose Descartes. For the last slide we had to choose which discipline that you agreed with the most. What I am most proud of was making the slideshow, thinking of the question and deciding how it finished at the end. Something that was hard for me was finding what a philosopher would say to the question and selecting which discipline I agreed with the most. Please learn more about the slideshow and you can view it down below.

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