
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

External Credit

For my community service hours this year I did a bunch of different activities to help my school community and my own community. For my First External Credit I planted trees. I worked with the good people at GCE Lab School for 5 hours. The thing that I can take away from this is that it is good to help the earth. For my second External Credit I did a run with GCE that was a 5 hours event. What I got out of participating in this event was that running for a cause is a good thing. For my third External Credit I went to Under One Sky SDG's Event. I went with my classmates. The thing I got out of it was that it was fun. For the fourth External Credit I went was went to the Oxfam Hunger Banquet. I did this with my classmates. It was an interesting experience to see how much people can eat and can not eat teaching us about hunger and poverty. For the fifth External Credit I went to The Grove went to The Grove to do magic for seniors I did it three times it was for 3 hours. What I got out of it was that I like to see seniors smile. For the 6 External Credit what I did was work at my school. I did it with a friend and workers who worked on the new GCE school. I did it three times and it was for 16 hours. It made me happy to help my school. For the 7 External Credit I worked at my church. I worked with some of the people who go to my church. I did it three times it was for 17 hours. What I got out of it was I like to help my church.

Magic, One up, (2016)

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