
Thursday, May 26, 2016

GMOs Are They Bad Or Good

In the STEAM course "Food" we are learning about GMOs and if they are bad or good. We also learned about the mathematics of GMOs data. We also had to examine different sides of the GMO debate. For the project we had to research our position and write a convincing argument. I like how the end results of my data turned out. I also like the graph that we had to do. What I am proud of is my whole video in all. The one thing that I could have done better was talk much lower in the video. I also thought that I could have practiced a little more before I made my video. For the graph my two dates were 1998 and 1999 there was a 8.6% change going up between the two dates. You can learn more about my video and graph below by watching it and looking at the graph.

GMO Debate: AA Argues Against GMOs from GCE Lab School on Vimeo.

1998-1999 blue
43-38=5 43/5
8.6% change going up.
What this means is the 8.6% change in diabetes.

This graph represents that the soy and corn crops are going higher but diabetes is going up higher with GMOs in foods. These both have to do with each other because the GMO’s can lead to diabetes. The red is how high it is going for the rate of food with GMO’s in them from farms. Imagine that a little kid had allergies and ate GMO’s and died. This could happen because GMO’s can make new allergies and maybe kids who already have allergies can maybe get another as opposed to someone who doesn't consume GMOs.

Works Cited

"Monsanto Utilizing Ivy League Influence to Push out Even More Genetically Modified ‘solutions’ to Problems Caused by GMOs in the First Place." GMO News – GMO News and Information. Web. 24 May 2016.

"Real Costs of GM Crops Concealed." Friends of the Earth Europe. Web. 24 May 2016. "Understanding the Controversy and Science of GMOs." The Huffington Post. Web. 24 May 2016

"ZhengTianyu's Blog." ZhengTianyus Blog. Web. 24 May 2016.

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