
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Like an Animal

This is my 2nd Action Project for my elective course, Biomimicry. In this course we will be studying about animals and their habitats. In order to complete this project, I had to studied about animals and what they do in their habitat. I also learned how overall an animal can survive in the wild by maybe hiding in the trees. For this Action Project I chose my two animals to be a ape and an eagle. We had to make a power point that showed the design of two animals to have some of the same things in them in a house. The thing that I am most proud of was making the PowerPoint and finding the research. Something that was hard for me was looking for a picture of the animals and drawing them. Please learn more about the my two animals and my house design down below. 

AA, Poster Like an animal Biomimicry. (2015.)

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