
Monday, May 30, 2016

Pizza Meals

This is my Last Action Project for my last term, Food For Thought. In this course we are studying about how to review foods. For this Action Project we had to choose a food to get at a restaurant and a home meal. We had to research a lot about our food. We had to find the food, review it and say what we smelled, tasted and felt about the food.  We also had to take a picture of our foods. The thing that I am most proud of is making the whole project. Something that was hard for me was reviewing it.  Please learn more about the project down below.

AA, Food Meals,(2016)

People either hate or enjoy pizza. Since I love pizza it will be my homemade meal. I will prepare a medium sized pizza. In these couple of paragraphs I will share my notes. The pizza looks like a square of meat with bread around it. It looks green and big. When you look at the pizza you can see steam coming from it. The pizza also looks outstanding. The pizza smells like green peppers and onions. When I took the pizza out of the oven it smelled earthy which reminds me of the outdoors. As for the feeling of the pizza it is hard and harsh.  When you feel it, it also feels warm and humid like a warm fire. The pizza bubbles so it sounds like birds pecking in the summertime and maybe like the breeze in the morning. When I eat the pizza is crunch and chewy at the same time.  It also tastes lemony. The dish I made appears fresh and organic to me. I know this because when it came out of the oven I had that feeling of perfection that I had just made a wonderful pizza. Six adjectives I would describe this meal are good, juicy, great, homemade, hot, tasty, Italian. The ingredients are: Mild Italian sausage, pizza sauce, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, green olives, black olives, Romano cheese, Mozzarella cheese, and hot roll mix. You can get all of these ingredients at Mariano’s. Overall this meal was very delicious and when I finished it I were full.

To compare my homemade dish with that of a professional, I wandered out to the Chicago Domino's pizza restaurant. The pizza looks like meat with sauce on it. It also looks like an angel coming down from heaven. It smells like the beach in the summer. It smells like flowers on a summer's day. The pizza feels like a smooth ground. It feels like a hot pot. It sounds like a stove pan sizzling. It sounds like the trees in the summer. When I eat the pizza it sounds like a wood being thrown in a fire. The pizza taste sweet, like very sweet. It also taste lemony sometimes. Six words to describe this meal are creamy, crispy, wholesome, lumpy, fine and saucy.

The dish that I preferred was the homemade meal. It had a more unique taste because I added more ingredients to it. Although the restaurant meal was delightful, it was much too crunchy. I thought that the homemade meal had a more preferable smell to it like real organic onions, pepper and sausage. The texture for the homemade meal was more tangible. When you touch it you can feel the warmth of it like a warm fire burning and the dough was crisp outside and soft inside. Over all the homemade meal looked more perfect. In the end, the homemade meal also sounded better. When you bit down on it you could just hear it sizzle. I would recommend the homemade meal, because overall it tasted, sounded, felt and looked superior. I would also recommend it because you could taste every ingredient in it. It tasted crunchy and smooth at the same time. The homemade meal was also quite a bit heavier, so after 10 or 15 bites I was full. Overall the homemade meal can have more foods within it so that means it might taste more perfect than each ingredient was originally. It can also be stored more easily than the restaurant meal.

One of Pollan’s five food transformations is called ‘from quality to quantity.’ This relates to my homemade meal for three reasons. The 1st is the quality of the meat is important. The 2nd, the quantity is huge-there are two pounds of hot Italian sausage in the meal. Lastly, pizza is a big meal because a whole group of people can eat it and enjoy sharing this together. Pollan’s 5 food transformations ‘quality to quantity’ is related to the restaurant meal for three reasons. The 1st one is that it does have a little quality from how it is packaged and sent to the person who ordered it. The 2nd one is the quantity of it is big. For the 3rd and final one this meal is big enough to feed ten people at a party since there are two boxes. Overall, both of the meals can be understood through Pollan’s 5 food transformations because they both can speak to quality to quantity.

In conclusion both of these meals are good in quantity but overall the homemade meal is the greater one out of both of the two meals because it was far superior in quality.

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