
Friday, May 17, 2019

12 hour challenge

In our second unit in a class endurance. For this AP we had to do a 12-hour challenge based on what our mission was for our first ap. I did my 12 hours on a Navy Seal fitness test. I wanted to do this because being a Seal you need to be physically fit in order to do the missions. I wanted to push myself and see what I can do. The fitness test was three workouts; pull-ups which were a min of 8 and max of 20, push-ups which were a min of 42 max of 100, and sit-ups which was a min of 52 and max of 100. I wanted to see how close I can get to maxing out all of them. I really enjoyed doing the workouts and pushing myself. What I could have done better was pushed myself even harder for the push-ups in order to max it out.

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