
Friday, May 24, 2019

Everyday Survival

In our second unit in class Entrepreneurship. For the second AP, we had to create a business plan for a business we wanted to create. The business that I have created is called Everyday Survival. Everyday Survival is a business that teaches people ways to survive in the outdoors and urban areas. Everyday Survival will give you the tools in which you can survive in dangerous situations. In this AP I will write a business plan for my business. What I have done well for this ap is creating a business that I love and being able to make a profit off of it. What I could have done better was making the math part smoother.

In class, we learned about the Hedgehog Concept, which is part of a business plan that has three main questions to it. What is your business best at in the world? What is your business passionate about? What is your business economic engine? 

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