
Thursday, January 26, 2017

When Does Self Defense Become Assault?

In this first class called Forbidden Books the unit is called Politics. We learned forbidden books, why they were banned, and how they were banned. We read a book called fahrenheit 451, it is about a guy named Guy who is lives in a future world. He is a fireman and what firemen do for their jobs is burn books. He gets a conflict because he wants to keep and read the books. On Wednesday we went to a book store called Women and Children's first. For this AP, we had to have a dialogue about a subject we choose with a partner. My partner was PVU, our dialogue was about when does self defense become assault? If you want to see his blog just click on his name. We had to make a video around two to four minutes. The thing that I had trouble with the most was making the video, I over came that by not going fast while I talked. The thing I have to most fun at was making the whole project with my partner. Overall I thought that this was a fun project to make and I hope you enjoy my project that I did with my partner. The Socratic method can be considered dangerous because people can ask to many question. It can change your mind even when you don't want it to.

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