
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

OCD In You!

This course was called Disease which is a STEAM the unit was called Mind. In this unit, we learned about mental disease. We learned about what mental diseases there are and how to diagnose them. We learned about the brain waves and how each can work or not work with some mental diseases or disorders. For this AP, we had to find a disease and make a video, and a simulation of it. The disease I did was OCD. We had to present out project on Wednesday February 8. The thing that I excelled at was the video and presenting part. The part that I had trouble with the most was trying to find and create a simulation. I overcame that by looking up case studies and examples of OCD simulations. Overall this Action Project was great I learned some many things about OCD and how it gets diagnose. Watching the videos of the simulation really helped me think of ways to make the class feel what people with OCD feel everyday. Also by reading some articles about kids who have OCD and watching a video about Howie Mandel and his life with OCD helped a lot too. Look below to see my project!

Work Cited:

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